My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I received a free copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.
Wunder isn’t your average girl, in fact, she isn’t even an average human. In a world once ravaged by Zombies, she was born amidst the chaos. Where can a girl like her find the man of her delicious dreams? She has an idea and it leads her to the hottest new club in town, where she finds what’s been missing in her life.
Pete has his own secrets to tell, and when they come together, another story unfolds while the sparks fly.
My Review
I'm not entirely sure what to say about his story because it is very short and there isn't much to it besides a few pages of stage setting and then a sex scene, followed by a couple pages that mostly serve to set the stage for the next installment in this serial. The writing isn't bad, and the world seems like it might be interesting, there's just not enough here to really judge that yet. The revelations that come toward the end seems very convenient and also to come a bit too easily and in a manner that's a bit too offhand. An "Oh yeah, I'm *spoiler* and by the way *spoiler*" kind of thing.
The characters are ok, but as is usually the case with stories as short as this one, we don't really see enough of them to get any real feel for who they are and what their personality is like, etc. These characters don't even really exist as stereotypes here, for they're not much more than names. We don't get to see much of their thoughts aside from "I think he/she is hot and I want him/her". We do see a little bit of Wunder's interacting with her father at the beginning, but still not enough to get much sense of personality from her outside of "typical young woman with the hots for a guy who's anxious to go see if she can catch his eye".
In the final analysis I suppose I have to declare myself neutral on this one. I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it either. The fact that I dislike zombies, generally speaking, might be part of the reason why, though really I think it's more to do with the fact that there's just very little story here for me to react to. 2½ stars I think, though I've given it the benefit of the doubt and rounded up to 3.
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